Evolution the Theory vs. Gravity the Observation

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Too often I hear my fellow atheists using rude and/or unconvincing arguments that they’re clearly just parroting from Dawkins or Hitches, and that’s bad enough when talking to a religious person. But what’s worse is when those little “one liner” arguments is that sometimes they’re just flat out wrong, and no one stops to think about them because they’re a nice soundbite.
In this video, I explain how one such “one liner” argument is, in fact, a false analogy. “Evolution is only a theory? Well so is gravity, but I don’t see you jumping off of bridges.”
While theories like evolution and gravity are, for most intents and purposes, facts, they are not the same thing as actual, observable facts.
****The reason people don’t jump off of bridges is NOT because of the THEORY of gravity, it’s because of the OBSERVATION of gravity.****
The fact of gravity is that things fall; this can be observed and is therefore blatantly obvious. The theory of evolution (or gravity or atoms) is NOT observable, so to draw an analogy between the two is to create a false analogy.



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