High School Students Create Their Own Apple Genius Bar

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photo via flickr:CC | niallkennedy
High School Students Create Their Own Apple Genius Bar

Students at Burlington High School in Massachusetts have taken this to heart and set up their very own Genius Bar (in blog form). They’re able to help their fellow students and staff with more than just Apple stuff though. They can answer questions about Google Apps, tech support, and more.
 Currently, the BHS Student Help Desk Blog is building up its resources by creating guides, tips, and other resources for the Burlington community.

Love it!

Students at Burlington High School in Massachusetts have taken this to heart and set up their very own Genius Bar (in blog form). They’re able to help their fellow students and staff with more than just Apple stuff though. They can answer questions about Google Apps, tech support, and more.
Currently, the BHS Student Help Desk Blog is building up its resources by creating guides, tips, and other resources for the Burlington community.
Love it!



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